Historic Racing Australia



The Historic category of Motor Sport is huge, to say the least. It's hard to give a person a simple explanation to our great sport in just a few minutes. As time evolves every so often brings a new category to historic racing.

This is the Categories section, which is currently undergoing a rebuild. All the links below will become live over the coming weeks. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Open wheel racing cars

Pre war Grand Prix racing

Post Vintage Thoroughbread racing

1946-1960 Racing

1961-1965 Racing

1966-1969 Racing

Formula 5000

1970-1977 Racing

Post 1977 Racing

Historic Formula 1

Pre 1975 Formula Vee

Sports Racing cars

1941-1960 Sports racers

1961-1965 Sports racers

1966-1969 Sports racers

1970-1977 Sports racers

Post 1977 Sports racers

Production Touring Cars

Pre 1958 (Group Na)

1959-1964 (Group Nb)

1965-1972 (Group Nc)

1974-1983 Touring cars (Group C)

1984-1992 Touring cars (Group A)

Production Sports Cars

1941-1960 (Group Sa)

1961-1969 (Group Sb)

1970-1977 (Group Sc)

Regularuty events


Regularity events







Updated: 20 January, 2013


© Charles Rogers 2006-09