Regularity events

Regularity events are designed to test the driver's consitency in driving. the events are timed, usually 15-20 minutes. Each competitor nominates a time they believe can be kept. Points are deducted for variance in this time. The driver who has lost the least amount of points at the end of the event is deemed the winner.

Competitors wishing to enter a regularity event need to have a restricted (or higher) licence. For CAMS sanctioned events a Level 2S license is sufficient. The car does not need to be log booked, but needs to meet the requirements of the event organisers.

At certain events, due to the popularity of regularity the field is split in two, with generally fastest and slowest cars, however, on occasions there is pre and post war classes.

These events bring out cars that we may otherwise not see on the track. Owners, or as many like to say - custodians wish to exercise their rare and historic vehicle, but do not wish to put it throuh the strain of racing.

We say that most regularity competitors drive at 8-9 tenths.

Regularity events are also seen as a good stepping stone into racing. It gives inexperienced drivers track time and enables them to learn race craft in a non-competitive environment.





Updated: 10 July, 2010


© Charles Rogers 2006-10